Saturday, August 28, 2010

Lecture Summary 8/27

Friday 8/27 lecture(s) was given about composition and form.
Composition is an organization of ideas/parts that equal a whole.
Composition is not specific only to the visual arts, it can be applied to all the arts: music, writing, theatre, etc. Form is the sum of parts that equal a whole, the appearance of a piece. Artists that belong to any of the above professions use “elements” to create a composition. The elements are as follows: point, line, space, shape, texture, and color/hue. Principles such as rhythm, balance, harmony, emphasis, balance, unity, and scale also exist in artwork(s) in one form or another. For example, a piece of music could be very harmonic sounding and work well together while a different piece of music could be constructed to be very dissonant and confrontational to the listener.
Proximity, continuation, similarity, closure are factors of Gestalt psychology that artists use to create artwork.

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