Monday, October 4, 2010

Kathy Kelley Lecture 10/1/10

There are three subjects addressed when looking at art:
1. subject
2. form
3. content
In lecture, Kathy spoke to us about form.
FORM - point - line - shape - texture - value - color - space - art is made by organizing these elements
Organizing Principles
-repetition - doesn't mean the item repeated has to appear the same every time, sometimes it could similar to what is being shown earlier in the sequence; could be a pattern if done similarly or an exaggeration; repetition/pattern/similarity is not only defined by the positive space but the negative space as well
In each composition there exist a balance and contrast between harmony and chaos; something that expresses harmony to the fullest would be known as being "monotonic" or having "monotony" and something that expresses chaos to the fullest would be just known as chaos
In between these two extremes of the spectrum of form, there exists three deciding factors: repetition, balance, gravity (it is how these three factors are used that determines the nature of the composition or form)
(back to repetition) ---> rhythm exists in repetition, and this rhythm/lack of rhythm is what make(s) a pattern interesting
balance (between harmony and chaos)
- a composition does not have to be balanced in between the two, the balance just has to be correct for the form of the piece; a piece will always have a balance
- symmetry - can be created by ALL elements of form

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