Thursday, September 9, 2010

Critique and Cardboard Progress

It seems as though I had been a little ambitious in choosing my process to build my cardboard gumball and the critique helped me realize that.  I had first planned to build a paneled dome understructure to give the gumball its shape and then I would have proceeded to add the spikes and give the gumball its textured layer on top of this understructure.  This was a tedious, labor-intensive approach which allowed me to fall short of the requirements that were to be met during the critique.  Among our group three of us had been given a gumball to recreate; the other two had come up with an understructure that was stable but was not high maintenance and allowed them to progress at an appropriate rate.  After the critique, I trashed my old structure and constructed a completely new understructure that was inspired by one of table member's cardboard structure.  This new understructure was built quickly and soundly, was easy to work with, and allowed me to progress greatly.

new structure for gumball

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